Joseph Reece
What do people write when they are asked the question, "Who am I?"
When students were asked to write about the topic "Who am I," their choices were widely varied. Commonly picked choices were: preferences, tastes, experiences, and hobbies. Some students took their challenge more seriously and wrote meticulously such as: "Detail my cognitive perspectives and personality dynamics." The student's choices reflected the amount of trust and willingness they have to share right off the bat with any random person who may be interested. In a sense, they came close to defining who they are as a person merely based on their reactions to the question: "Who am I?". They showed what about their lives and themselves they feel is worth sharing and, more importantly, what should be focused on and what should be ignored. What they didn't want brought up might have had to do with insecurities about themselves or just a lack of creativity. Some students are less complex than others in their responses and in their personalities. For instance, a student that feels who they are is only defined by their daily schedule and the location of where it takes place. Others dug deeper wanting to describe themselves with their dreams, aspirations, and goals. Luckily, no student choose to write "no one" or "nothing". Each and every student displayed an interest in portraying themselves in their own unique and creative way; the way that they want to be seen and read about.
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