Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Interview Objective and Steps

When I am interviewing, there are a things that I need to accomplish. First, I am trying to establish a connection with the person being interviewed. This will make the transfer of information much more natural and, if they trust you, more truthful. I want to achieve an in depth understanding of what makes that person who they are today. An accurate recording of this information will help me to transcribe it more accurately. In a sense, I am trying to put myself in his or her shoes in an effort to make it easier to get across who this person is. All while I am extracting this information from the interviewee, I need to make sure they are comfortable and feel welcome. To do this, I need to make sure to ask questions in a friendly manner and not be too persistent. I want to uncover a secret or two that he or she would not normally talk about when meeting someone for the first time. The whole purpose is to have a better understanding of the person and where they are from.

11.     Approach someone to be interviewed.
22 .     Introduce the idea of them being interviewed lightly.
33.     Agree to a date and time to conduct the interview.
44.     Discuss the list of questions and make changes as necessary.
55.     Familiarize myself with the questions.
66.     Add filler questions wherever necessary.
77.     Prepare the necessary recording equipment to conduct the interview.
88.     Do research on the country that the interviewee is from.
99.     Compile the research done into a country report.
110.   Conduct the interview.
111.   Take note of things that surprised you.
112.   Go over the recording to make sure it is understandable and quality.
113.   Graciously say goodbye.
114.   Get onto the computer.
115.   Transcribe the interview.
116.   Discuss the final product with the interviewee to make sure they are satisfied with how they are portrayed.
117.   Organize the information.
118.   Revise your transcription and country report for mistakes.
119.   Finalize the entire work.
220.   Post it to the blog.

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